2020 District Days
Pay your electric bill, sign up for new service and/or talk to a GRICUA representative from 10 AM to 3 PM at the Health Resource Center, SW corner of Seed Farm Rd & Ocotillo in Sacaton, AZ.
- March 2
- April 2
- May 7
- June 4
- July 6
- August 6
- September 3
- October 8
- November 5
- December 3
GRICUA will also be at District 1 and 2 Service Centers on the following days from 9:00 AM -12:00 PM:
- District 1 - March 3
- District 2 - April 7
- District 1 - May 5
- District 2 - June 2
- District 1 - July 7
- District 2 - August 4
- District 1 - September 1
- District 2 - October 6
- District 1 - November 3
- District 2 - December 1

Mail your check or money order payment to: GRICUA
6636 W. Sundust Rd, Box 5091 Chandler, AZ 85226
6636 W. Sundust Rd, Box 5091 Chandler, AZ 85226

Drop your payment off and we will mail you a receipt. Please include your Name, Address, Account Number, and Phone Number.