How do I apply for new service?
GRICUA provides all new service connections in Districts 1 – 5 and the eastern side of District 6. To apply for new service click one of the buttons below.
When is my bill due?
GRICUA Billing Cycle
- Statements are mailed to the customer on the 15th of each month
- Payments are due on the 10th of the following month
- Disconnect Notices will be mailed on the 14th after the due date. If you are getting assistance from your Service Center please call Customer Service at 520-796-0600 to verify that GRICUA has a copy of your award letter to avoid service interruption.
- Disconnects will begin 14 days after the due date
How can I pay my bills?
For more information about the payment options GRICUA offers click the button below.
When are District Days?
To see the current District Days schedule, click the button below.
What programs does GRICUA have for the youth?
GRICUA is committed to providing opportunities and organized activities for the youth in the Gila River Indian Community. We offer the STEAAAM Summer Program for middle schoolers, the Washington Youth Tour for high school juniors, High School and College Summer Internships and the Youth Board Internship. For more information click the button below.
Does GRICUA have a medical policy?
Yes. A customer should notify GRICUA of any medical condition which requires the need for life-sustaining equipment. For more complete information click the button below.