Please find below our excessive heat/cold policy. Although GRICUA will from time to time suspend disconnections due to this policy, we would like to encourage our customers to make every effort to continue to keep their accounts current during times when our excessive weather policy is in affect.

Gila River Indian Community Utility Authority Disconnecting customers during Excessive Heat/Cold Policy 1-10

The Board of Directors hereby enacts the following policy for disconnecting customers.

  • The policies for disconnecting customers for non-payment in the Rules and Regulations for Service shall apply at all times with the exceptions as listed here.
  • During times of excessive heat or cold, the General Manager shall have the latitude to delay disconnections for non-payment.
  • Excessive heat shall be defined at continuous peak temperatures of 105 degrees Fahrenheit or more for 5 consecutive days. Excessive cold shall be defined as nighttime low temperatures of 30 degrees Fahrenheit or less during 5 consecutive days.
  • Customers that are disconnected due to this policy may request payment arrangements to pay their electric bill balances over the next 2 months. Failure to make scheduled payments under such arrangements will be grounds for immediate disconnection from service.

Approved by the Gila River Indian Community Utility Authority Board during their regular meeting on October 5, 2009.

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