2022 STEAAAM Summer Program​

Student Application Form


GRICUA’s STEAAAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Agriculture, Architecture and Math) Summer Program offers students interested in science, technology, engineering, art, agriculture, architecture and math an environment to explore these diverse subjects. The STEAAAM program will be held from June 13-17, 2022 and is designed to engage and sustain a STEAAAM student-centered learning culture where passion, self-discipline, technology-enhanced collaborative teamwork and STEAAAM career awareness are part of the learning settings.

In order to participate in GRICUA’s STEAAAM Summer Program, students and their parents or guardians must understand and agree to the following:

The Application Process & Deadlines

  • All information submitted with the application will be maintained in confidence by all members of the screening committee.
  • Students must be entering 5th-8th grade in the upcoming 2022-23 school year.
  • Deadline to apply is Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 4:00 PM.
  • Mail, fax or email applications to: GRICUA Attn: STEAAAM Program at 6636 W. Sundust Rd Box 5091, Chandler, AZ 85226 or Fax 520-796-0672 or llarney@gricua.net.
  • If the number of eligible students exceeds the number of seats available, a random lottery selection will occur for eligible applicants.
  • Eligible applications submitted after the deadline will be wait-listed in the order they are received. Students will be contacted in June, if space is available.
  • Orientation will be held on Wednesday, June 7, 2022 at 5:30 PM. The student and a parent or guardian must attend. We will review our expectations for the students, meet the chaperones and distribute the 2022 STEAAAM Summer Program schedule.


  • Parents/Guardians must drop their child off at GRICUA by 7:30 AM and pick-up their child by 5:00 PM each day.
  • GRICUA will provide transportation to various field trip sites.


  • Breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack will be provided.

Student Expectations

  • All students must have appropriate behavior and attendance.
  • All students must get enough sleep to be alert and ready to learn all day.

STEAAAM Virtual Activities

Click on a button below to open that activity

Activity #1 - October

Apple Mummies

Activity #2 - November

Oil Spill Cleanup

Activity #3 - December

Crystal "Snowflake"

Activity #4 - January

I Spy Tubes

Activity #5 - February

Musical Instrument

Activity #6 - March

Anti Gravity Gyro

Activity #7 - April

Slow It Down

Activity #8 - May

Windy City Tower

Activity #9 - June

Safe Landing Challenge

Activity #10 - July

Measuring Temperature

Activity #11 - August

Ocean In A Bottle

Activity #12 - September

Walking Rainbow

STEAAAM Virtual Activities

Click on a button below to open that activity

Activity #1 - June 13th

Fireworks Jar

Activity #2 - June 14th

Bridge Engineering

Activity #3 - June 15th

Vinegar Volcano

Activity #4 - June 16th

Nature Journal

Activity #5 - June 17th

Chem Rocket
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By Mail:

6636 W. Sundust Rd. Box 5091

Chandler, AZ 85226


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By Fax:

(520) 796-0672


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By Email:


Subject: STEAAAM