Notice of Propane Transition
GRICUA Notice of Propane Transition
On June 21st, 2023 the Gila River Indian Community Council passed a resolution stating that the Gila River Utility Authority (GRICUA) would acquire the Propane Services Division currently owned and operated by the Gila River Farms. The Gila River Council believes that the utility operations and services
nature of this division is a better fit with the utility services and operations of the Gila River Utility Authority.
The effective transition date will be August 1st, 2023. Customers should call GRICUA for service and installation needs from August 1st onward. Our goal is to provide a smooth transition but we do ask our customers to be patient as we make this transition.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Will this affect my service delivery?
A. GRICUA will be utilizing the existing personnel and equipment to service existing customers.
Q. When will GRIC Farms stop scheduling delivery orders and when will GRICUA begin scheduling delivery orders?
A. GRIC Farms will stop taking delivery orders as of Thursday, July 27th, with its last deliveries on Friday, July 28, 2023. GRICUA will start taking delivery orders as of Monday, July 31st, 2023, with its first deliveries starting Tuesday, August 1st, 2023.
Q. Will my refuel service charges change?
A. No, we will honor the current refuel rates. In addition, this acquisition will have no impact on GRICUA electrical rates.
Q. Will my payment methods remain the same?
A. GRICUA will require customers to prepay their fuel purchases by calling our Customer Service representatives and paying by check or credit card. Cash will only be taken at GRICUA’s office.
Q. Will tank installation charges change?
A. Yes, GRICUA will charge a deposit, and once the work is complete actual costs will be applied to the deposit. If the deposit is more than the costs incurred the remaining balance will be paid to the customer. If the deposit does not satisfy the incurred costs an additional invoice will be sent to the customer.
Q. What will happen with my account?
A. Your account information will be transitioned to GRICUA, any balances due before July 31 should be remitted to the Gila River Farms. If you have a credit balance due from the Gila River Farms please request a reimbursement from the Gila River Farms directly. However, if your credit is a result of payments made through any of the Communities assistance programs such as HEAP and LIHEAP your credit is non-refundable and will be transferred over to your new account with GRICUA.
Q. Will GRICUA provide any emergency tank services?
A. Yes, GRICUA will provide both regular business hours and after-hours emergency services. Normal tank fueling will only be available during normal business hours.
Q. How can I reach GRICUA?
A. GRICUA – Hours of Operation Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
6636 W Sundust Road Chandler, Az 85226 | (520) 796-0600 | GRICUA.net